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Doctors introduce
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Speciality of Faceline
Special Orthognathic Surgery&Facial Contour
Academic Activity
Faceline News/ Notice
Faceline UCC
with STAR
Smart Two Jaw
Z Babyface Two Jaw
N Baby Face Two Jaw
Elastic Fixation Two Jaw
Clear Two Jaw
Facial Asymmetry
Jutting Chin
Long Face
Two Jaw Revision
Smart Two Jaw for Men
Facial Contouring VS Two jaw
Complex Facial Reduction
F Babyface Two jaw
Care program
Pretty Face Right Plastic Surgery
Smart Facial Contour
Slim-fit Lower Jaw Body
Non-elimination Lifting Cheekbone Reduction Surgery
Faceline Baby Face Facial Contour
Anti-aging Baby Face Facial Contour
Square Jaw
V-line Carving
Petite V-line Chin
Short Chin
Facial Contour Revision
Facial Contouring VS Two jaw
Facial Contour For Men
Complex Facial Reduction
Smart Forehead Reduction
Three-dimensional Forhead
Nano Hair Transplant
Goddess Forehead
Doll`s eye ophthalmoplasty
T-LINE Eye Nose
Power Non-incision
Incision, Partial Incision
Non-incision Ptosis Correction
Magic Canthoplasty
Magic Epicanthoplasty
Magic Lateral Canthoplasty
Under Eye Fat Repositioning
Love Band
Upper Blepharoplasty / Lower Blepharoplasty
Eyebrow Lifting
Wonder Nose
T-LINE Eye Nose
Flat Nose
Short Nose
Hump Nose
Deviated Nose
Bulbous nose
arrow nose
Nose Revision
Non-implant rhinoplasty
Multi Up Lifting
Multi V-line Lifting
Smart Lifting
Design Lifting
Mini Face Lifting
Face Lifting
Forehead Lifting
Smart Forehead reduction Facelift
Cell Power Fat Grafting
Accu Lifting
Speedy Anti-aging Surgery
Faceline Laser
Collagen Laser
Collagen Injection
Supreme Booster
P.S.H. booster
Turning Injection
Smile Lifting
3S Botox&Filler
Face care
Post operation focus care
Celebrity Peel (LHALA FILL)
Hydro Lifting
Wonder Body
Bagel Breast Augmentation
Light Up Breast Reduction
Saggy Breast Correction
Nipple Surgery
Male Breast Reduction
Wonder Liposuction
Hip-up Surgery
Calf Reduction
Smart Two Jaw for Men
Facial Contour For Men
Men's Plastic Surgery
Men's eye and nose surgery
      |  Faceline Introduction
 Doctors introduce
 Operating Hours/Direction
 Speciality of Faceline
 Special Orthognathic Surgery&Facial Contour
 Academic Activity
 Faceline News/ Notice
 Faceline UCC
 with STAR

[20.08.12 Hemophilia Life] Double jaw and protruding mouth surgery must be performed with the precise consultation with a orthodontist.
[20.08.07 News Point] Considering Facial Contouring Surgery and two jaw surgery, the most important thing is not to be obvious.
[20.08.04 Edu-in News]The significance in surgeries such as eyebrow lifting and forehead lifting.

[19.12.06 The First][Dr. Column] Protruded Mouth surgery, treatment depends on the cause and should be preceded by an accurate diagnosis?

  Generally, when the face is small and slim,and the upper, middle, and lower face ratio are 1:1:0.8, the face line leading to the upper, lower, and chin ends is said to be young and pretty when the faceline is sequentially F-shaped. By the way, what would it look like if the mouth at the cent ...

조회 수 : 963     2020.04.10

[19.11.25 The first][Health Dr. Column] what we need to know to achieve a pretty facial contour before the facial contouring surgery?

Facial Contouring surgery is an operation that improves contour of the face. With increasing attention and the number of people actually undergoing surgery with the current trend of beauty that favors small and thin faces. However, there are not many cases where they know the exact information compa ...

조회 수 : 638     2020.04.07

[11.11.14 Sports Korea] Fixation of jutting chin ‘Two Jaw surgery’ safety and function is the prior concern

  Among the factors that influenceimpression, the shape of the face takes up a significant proportion. Theposition of the jaw, among other things, affects the aesthetic and functionalaspects.   Generally, the lower jaw is locatedslightly behind the upper jaw. If the lower jaw is similar ...

조회 수 : 884     2020.04.07

[19.11.11 The First] Faceline Plastic Surgery Doctor Lee Jin-soo, Invited Lecture 2019 by PRS KOREA

  Doctor Lee Jin-soo, head of FacelinePlastic Surgery clinic said he was invited to "PRS KOREA 2019" todeliver a lecture on "orthodontic surgery." The "PRS KOREA 2019" was held atthe Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas Convention in Samsung-dong from July8-10. Lee was appointed as the speaker ...

조회 수 : 776     2020.04.06

[19.11.11 Environmental Daily] Faceline Plastic Surgery Doctor Lee Jin-soo, invited to lecture on the subject of PRS KOREA 2019 ‘Orthognathic Surgery’.

  Faceline Plastic Surgery Doctor Jin-soo Leewas appointed as the chair and speaker of the High Impact Presentation: BoneContouring 1 session at the Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas Convention inSamsung-dong Nov. 8-10, giving a lecture on orthodontic surgery vs non- orthodonticsurgery. A j ...

조회 수 : 534     2020.04.06

[19.11.08 E-today] Down-aging Lifting and Aging contour of the face to 'V-line'

  No one can avoid aging. However, dependingon how well you manage before or after aging, it may appear to be younger thanyour age, and vice versa.  The recent trend is that down-aging goes further thananti-aging, and down-aging who looks younger than their age, is the trend.There are ma ...

조회 수 : 2556     2020.04.06

[19.10.29 The First][Health Dr. Column] Test takers, what should be considered for the first cosmetic surgery 'Hospital Selection and Surgery'?

 On November 14, the 2020 College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) will take effect. After the exam, each of them will do what they wanted to do, but plastic surgery is one of them.   Most of the test takers are still minors. These days, double eyelid surgery is said to be done even in tee ...

조회 수 : 636     2020.04.03

[Halla Ilbo, 19.10.19] [Colum] What should I know if I consider the first cosmetic surgery after the college entrance exam?

The CSAT is less than a month away. After the college entrance exam, there will be many students who enjoy hobbies and travel that they have never tried before.  Appearance management is one of the things that test takers want to do after the exam, and it is also a time when more teenagers com ...

조회 수 : 786     2020.04.01

[19.10.11 Daily Today] [Column] After forming the face of the V-line face, the fixed pin must be removed?

 A small, slim V-line face is one of the important conditions for a pretty face. However, as not everyone is born with a small, thin face, a growing number of people are considering facial contouring surgery to improve their likable face shape.  One of the things people who are concerned ...

조회 수 : 2946     2020.04.01

[19.09.30 Sports Korea] A facial asymmetry should be cured only with the two jaw surgery?

Most of the purpose of visiting plastic surgery clinic is often to make beautiful cosmetic improvements.  However, there are some cases of functional discomfort, one of which is facial asymmetry. Facial asymmetry refers to the symptom of an uneven upper, middle, and lowerface when the left an ...

조회 수 : 544     2020.04.01
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[view detail]
Faceline Introduction
 Doctors introduce
 Operating Hours/Direction
 Speciality of Faceline
 Special Orthognathic Surgery&Facial Contour
 Academic Activity
 Faceline News/ Notice
 Faceline UCC
 with STAR
Two Jaw
 Smart Two Jaw
 Z Babyface Two Jaw
 N Baby Face Two Jaw
 Elastic Fixation Two Jaw
 Clear Two Jaw
 Facial Asymmetry
 Jutting Chin
 Long Face
 Two Jaw Revision
 Smart Two Jaw for Men
 Facial Contouring VS Two jaw
 Complex Facial Reduction
 F Babyface Two jaw
 Care program
 Pretty Face Right Plastic Surgery
Facial Contour
 Smart Facial Contour
 Slim-fit Lower Jaw Body
 Non-elimination Lifting Cheekbone Reduction Surgery
 Faceline Baby Face Facial Contour
 Anti-aging Baby Face Facial Contour
 Square Jaw
 V-line Carving
 Petite V-line Chin
 Short Chin
 Facial Contour Revision
 Facial Contouring VS Two jaw
 Facial Contour For Men
 Complex Facial Reduction
 Smart Forehead Reduction
 Three-dimensional Forhead
 Nano Hair Transplant
 Goddess Forehead
Eye Surgery
 Doll`s eye ophthalmoplasty
 T-LINE Eye Nose
 Power Non-incision
 Incision, Partial Incision
 Non-incision Ptosis Correction
 Magic Canthoplasty
 Magic Epicanthoplasty
 Magic Lateral Canthoplasty
 Under Eye Fat Repositioning
 Love Band
 Upper Blepharoplasty / Lower Blepharoplasty
 Eyebrow Lifting
Nose Surgery
 Wonder Nose
 T-LINE Eye Nose
 Flat Nose
 Short Nose
 Hump Nose
 Deviated Nose
 Bulbous nose
 arrow nose
 Nose Revision
 Non-implant rhinoplasty
 Multi Up Lifting
 Multi V-line Lifting
 Smart Lifting
 Design Lifting
 Mini Face Lifting
 Face Lifting
 Forehead Lifting
 Smart Forehead reduction Facelift
 Cell Power Fat Grafting
 Accu Lifting
 Speedy Anti-aging Surgery
Laser/Mini Procedures
 Faceline Laser
 Collagen Laser
 Collagen Injection
 Supreme Booster
 P.S.H. booster
 Turning Injection
 Smile Lifting
 3S Botox&Filler
 Face care
 Post operation focus care
 Celebrity Peel (LHALA FILL)
 Hydro Lifting
Body Surgery
 Wonder Body
 Bagel Breast Augmentation
 Light Up Breast Reduction
 Saggy Breast Correction
 Nipple Surgery
 Male Breast Reduction
 Wonder Liposuction
 Hip-up Surgery
 Calf Reduction